
I think this is the most relevant subject for my course at University. Business is not really a hard subject to learn but it takes time to memorise the specific business terms and phases. For me, I have studied Business since IGCSE so I had a general base about it and I am not that worry about my Business paper. As long as I work hard and do enough revision. I can't see there will be a fail. =)


CIT is the subject that I think it would be the least challenging as I had study this subject before. From CIT, all the previous work rang a bell to me. The tasks were not difficult to do but there are loadssss, so I still have to spend quite a lot of time on this subject. The work on CIT is fun and useful, although the workloads are heavy. I have gained more experience on variety of techniques to use Microsoft, presentations, information management, leaflet and blog. Writing blog is a fresh thing for me as I seldom write diaries or journals. However, I found it is quite fun to have one!


I found that Economics is really hard for me. Not because the teacher's instructions are not clear, I just did not have a good understanding of it.. However, I am soon taking a paper on Economics on the coming Thursday. It definitely will be a disaster. All I can do now is revising hard and try to do my best during the actual exam. Bless me :(

English (FES1, FES2, FES3)

FES1: Basic skills on writing, listening and reading.
During FES1, I found it is really easy and I used to feel annoying of doing those similar tasks which I have already done in Hong Kong. However, after the first term, I got improvement on grammars and structure of my writing. In addition, this is really a good preparation for me to take the IELTS examination.

FES2: No internal examination, but IELTS examination at the end of term. Contains 4 coursework.
I haven't took the IELTS exam in the U.K., I chose to do the exam in Hong Kong instead. In second term, I became lazier and did not put much effort in FES2. Therefore, my final grade was not as well as I assumed. However, I promised myself I would be more concentrate and productive in the third term after Easter holiday.

FES3: A 1500 word essay, no internal examination.
The essay was a nightmare!!! As I am not a big fan of writing things up, therefore I found it particularly hard to finish. Moreover, the essay requires research and good skills of presentation. I set myself that I could not get lower than 18 on my first draft, but, I did gain 4 marks lower than 18. And this made me felt disappointed to myself. For my final draft, I made improvements according to my teacher's comments. Hopefully, I could get at least 20 marks on this essay. Then, in overall, my English course will be much better. 

Business Mathematics

Maths is a disaster for me. I do not like Maths. I don't know why we need to learn something very complicated which we even can't use in our daily lives. However, I know that even though I am scared of doing it, I still have to do it well to get enough marks in my course. Other people say the maths in our course is really easy as it is combined with Business which means we only need to know the maths for business. This is the only good thing of the Maths course I discovered so far. I am now revising it by doing lots of past papers, therefore, I hope I could get an ideal grade at my final exam next week. =]


    Carson Ip

    This page is about all the subjects that I study in my Business Foundation Programme. 

    Any comments on academy are welcomed!


    June 2010



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